ZingSoft, the dataviz experts who love JavaScript
A company with 20+ years in development services and 12+ years in dataviz, we understand users' desires and needs for digesting information.
ZingChart was founded and is led by Thomas Powell, a noted JavaScript author and Web development professional. Initially incubated by San Diego's oldest web consultancy (PINT.com), it is today an independent California corporation based in San Diego, with the bulk of our employees and primary operations in San Diego. ZingChart Homepage
A video clip showing a user interacting with a series chart rendered with ZingChart. The user disables one of the series by clicking on the label for that series. The user then scrolls and the chart changes it's time scale in sync. As the user hovers over individual points, labels for those points appear showing the specific values.ZingGrid
We have been delivering data-visualization solutions for over twelve years; so when it comes to data visualization, we are experts. ZingGrid began as another interactive feature for data visualization. Over time, we realized charts and grids are supplemental to one another. We wanted to build a vanilla solution that was modern, fast, and integrated easily within emerging frameworks. ZingGrid Homepage
A video clip showing a user interacting with a data grid rendered with ZingGrid. The user easily swaps from classic row view to card view via a button in the grid. The user then sorts one of the columns by clicking on the header of that column, and then reverses the sort by clicking the same header again.ZingSoft Studio
With our development of ZingChart and ZingGrid, we realized that the best way for us to create and store our charts and grids were in our own Zing Sandbox. If you've ever used CodePen or CodeSandbox, then you'll know how to use our Studio! Make, save, and share your charts and grids, no local environment required! ZingSoft Studio App
A video clip showing a user interacting with the ZingSoft Studio. The user first clicks the "Create" tab on the left, then selects "Bubble" from a list of chart types. A screen appears showing prepopulated HTML, CSS, and JS editors on the left and a rendered bubble chart on the right. The user edits the JSON for the chart in the JavaScript text field and the chart re-renders.Open Source Software
ZingTouch Studio
Our products are built for the modern web, which has increasingly involved handheld, mobile devices. To aid in the tactile interaction between our products, we created ZingTouch: A JavaScript gesture-detection library for the modern web. This standalone library allows you to tap into native device gestures and integrate your own solutions. ZingTouch Homepage

About Us
Our Team
We are a creative and diverse team with members in San Diego, San Francisco, Iasi, and Hyderabad. The bulk of our programming and architecture team is comprised of graduates from the Computer Science and Engineering Department at University of California, San Diego, where Thomas Powell is also a faculty member. We value strong, software-engineering processes and native web APIs, and are always looking out for like-minded developers. If you are interested, inquire at hr@zingsoft.com.
Investor Info
ZingSoft (formerly ZingChart, Inc.) was incubated by PINT, Inc. (PINT.com), San Diego's oldest operating web consultancy. We are open to conversations with technology-focused investors, organizations, and customers looking to help bring some of our internal products to market. If you are interested in having a conversation, drop us a line at investor@zingsoft.com.